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Visitors 1260
Modified 2-Jul-18
Created 28-Nov-07

Sunset Wave

Sunset Wave

New Spring

New Spring

Sunrise Spring

Sunrise Spring



Fresh Oak Leaves

Fresh Oak Leaves

Grass on the Shore

Grass on the Shore

Tiger Swallowtail and Turk's-Cap Lily

Tiger Swallowtail and Turk's-Cap Lily

Viper's Bugloss

Viper's Bugloss

Through the Dogwood

Through the Dogwood

Cow Parsnip

Cow Parsnip

Azalea Macro

Azalea Macro

Mt. Laurel and Hemlock

Mt. Laurel and Hemlock

Dogwood Dew

Dogwood Dew

Leaf Under Ice

Leaf Under Ice

Autumn Pink 1

Autumn Pink 1

Autumn Pink 2

Autumn Pink 2

Wild Azalea

Wild Azalea

Nodding Wild Onion

Nodding Wild Onion

Wild Columbine

Wild Columbine

Butterfly and Trillium

Butterfly and Trillium

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Big Meadows, Blue Ridge, Blue Ridge Parkway, Cherokee, Chief, National, National Park, Park, SNP, Shenandoah, Shenandoah, Skyline Drive, U.S., United States, Virginia, azalea, bloom, blue, bluets, blur, butterfly, carpet, cedar, chestnut, close, colors, columbine, dogwood, fall, flora, flower, flowers, fog, forest, forest floor, geranium, gray, green, light, log, macro, moss, motion, mountain, mountain laurel, movement, native, onion, orange, park, pine, pink, purple, red, shrub, spider, swallowtail, trail, trillium, valley, web, weed, white, wild, wild flower, wildflower, yellow, zinnia